Work, Health & Safety
Are you a person who is conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) and you would like sound advice to ensure that you are complying with your work, health and safety duties? Are you a director of a company that employs workers or engages contractors? Are you a supplier of goods and services, or are you a manufacturer of products?
If you fail to provide a safe work environment and safe systems of work, you (or your company) may be at risk breaching your legal obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act, Regulations and relevant Codes of Practice.
Before practising law, Anne-Alece developed and provided training in Work, Health and Safety Management Systems as an Occupational Health and Safety Consultant within the Northern Rivers for the commercial building and construction industry.
If you are unsure as to what Work, Health & Safety policies you should implement at your place of work, perhaps you would like to discuss your existing workplace policies and procedures to ascertain whether they may require improvement, Anne-Alece can provide legal advice in the following areas:
Workplace Policy
WH&S Duties and responsibilities of Directors, Managers and Worksite Supervisors
Safe Work Procedures
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) – are they site-specific to your industry?
Hazard Identification and Risk Management Systems
Workplace communications systems – advice on establishing WH&S Committees, Tool-Box Talks, WH&S Representatives
Accident and Incident Reporting Requirements
PPE requirements
Work, Health and Safety training obligations
Hazardous chemicals management systems
If you have contravened your Work, Health and Safety obligations, or you would like advice in relation to your business or undertaking please do not hesitate to call Anne-Alece on
(02) 6669 1071 or email to request an appointment at